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For FDC to continue, we need assistance both financially and in kind. We are currently funded by:
Grants from the Department of Health and the Department of Social Development, donations from a few private donors and Trust Funds, National Lotteries Commission, a number of fundraising events and lastly learner fees and learner transport payments. The private donations and Trust Funds are largely expended on fees for about 35% of our learners whose parents/guardians do not have the means to pay the fees. Lotto funds are used for specific educational and therapy needs and the expenditure is reported in detail to this donor.
A matter of grave concern to FDC is the increasing inability of a number of parents to keep up with the payment of the learners’ fees and transport costs. Our fears are that these parents will inevitably withdraw these learners from FDC and keep them at home or make some other arrangement which might not be beneficial to the learners and the parents. As a Centre striving to provide the best service within our capabilities, we are being stretched to the limit financially and will not be able to survive beyond a tipping point which we are steadily approaching, given the diminishing income in fees. Cost cutting measures have been rigorously applied in order to stay afloat. We therefore earnestly appeal to your organisation for financial assistance in renewing your sponsorship.
Our doors are open should you wish to visit the Centre to experience firsthand what is being done for the learners and the facilities available.
Alexandra Hospital Grounds, Annex Road
South Africa