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Applications are open all year round. The application process is set up in two stages
All interviews and assessments are strictly by appointment only, please contact us to schedule your appointment
* Applications are only open to children from the ages of 2 years with a cut off age of 8 years old for acceptance into the Centre.
of an application does not confirm acceptance
The following documentation must accompany the application form:
Additional documents required if one is not a South African citizen are:
Temporary or permanent residence permit from the department of home affairs or evidence that you have applied for permission to stay in South Africa
Friends Day Centre is a fee-paying Centre and learner fees are reviewed annually by the Management Committee. Payments are to be made to the Centre finance
office, paid directly into the Friends Day Centre bank account or by debit order.
Centre Fees
The 2024 fees are set as follows:
Fee payment options
Parents / Guardians / Carers may settle their
learner and transport fees in various ways.
1. Annual payment
Parents / Guardians / Carers may settle their
learner fees by 31 January and receive a 5% discount off the annual
fees. Similarly, for those making use of transport, a 5% discount will be
provided for transport fees paid in advance.
2. Debit order
The preferred method of payment is by means of automatic
payment orders whereby the centre receives twelve monthly payments, the
first on 01 January and the last on 1 December. This method operates by using
the direct debit system with Stratcol. Parents / Guardians / Carers who wish to
avail themselves of this method are requested to complete the debit instruction
form and return this to the Centre.
3. Eft
Annual or monthly fee payments are paid directly
into the Centre’s bank account, the details of which are as follows:
Account name: Friends Day Centre
Bank: Nedbank
Account number: 1047 010 119
Branch code: 104 709
Please use learner name & surname as a reference.
4. Cash or Card payments
Historically, Parents / Guardians / Carers have had the option of paying the fees at
reception in cash, but due to the safety of our staff in handling cash, we would
like to encourage you to make use of either the eft or debit order facility. We continue to provide a card facility for the
payment of fees. This facility is available at reception.